Thursday 2 August 2012

Excellent Raw And Cooked Carbohydrate Diet

Improving the quality of your carbohydrates improves the quality of your health and life. Eliminating refined sugar and white flour then replacing those with whole foods and natural fruits (with seeds) is the core of any sensible diet.

The best choice is to select foods that are richly mineralized and are medium to low in sugar. Certainly organic, homegrown and/or wild fruits with seeds are excellent choices because they are always higher in minerals than the type of commercially grown fruits found in most supermarkets.

In terms of cooked foods, yams and sweet potatoes are a far better choice than regular potatoes because they contain half the sugar and twice the minerals as regular potatoes.

Excellent Carbohydrate Choices Raw

* Agave cactus nectar (sap from the agave plant)

* Apples

* Berries of all kinds

* Cacao fruit

* Cherimoyas (includes atemoyas, sugar apples, paw-paws, and another sixty fruits in this class)

* Citrus fruits with seeds

* Dragonfruit

* Durian

* Figs

* Grapes

* Jackfruit

* Mamey sapotes

* Mangos

* Mangosteen

* Melons of all kinds (if they contain seeds)

* Papayas

* Pears

* Sapotes

* Stone fruits (apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums)

* Yacon root syrup

* Young Thai coconut water (excellent to mix with green superfood powders)

Cooked Choices

* Ancient grain breads (kamut, spelt, wild rice)

* Breadfruit

* Sweet potatoes

* Yams

* Yucca root

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