Sunday 16 September 2012

How to Manage Acne The SMARTER Way

Acne is mainly caused by a poor fat/oil digestion and assimilation metabolism. This means the liver is not capable of fully metabolizing all the fat and oil entering the system. The skin and the liver reflect each other like a mirror. A breakout of the skin, acne, is an indicator of problems with the liver—in particular with the processing of fats, and especially cooked fats.

Facial and skin acne are almost always associated with eating cooked oil (margarine, hydrogenated oil, cooked polyunsaturated oils, etc.). Cooked oils and margarine are probably the most difficult of all cooked foods to break down and metabolize. They require a significant level of liver energy. Cooked oils and margarine are often incompletely broken down and end up clumping in the blood stream, clogging fine capillaries, causing hormonal imbalances and acne.

Along with cooked oil and margarine, the intake of cooked animal fats, roasted nuts and seeds, as well as pasteurized dairy products can all be decreased, and then eliminated. Raw plant-based fats and oils can replace cooked fats and oils. This will do wonders.

Even when eating raw foods, one may find that the excessive intake of raw fats and oils will cause pimples (yet these will be comparatively minor).

Simultaneously, while the cooked fats and oils are switched to raw choices, the liver may be strengthened by eating green-leafy vegetables, undertaking herbal cleansing and fasting, and adding MSM to the diet.
One thing I have noticed amongst people with chronic acne, breakouts, and trouble with their facial skin is that they have a habit (often unconscious) of constantly touching and picking at their face. This introduces foreign dirt and oils, thus making the situation worse. One of the primary ways to maintain healthy facial skin is to avoid touching one’s face with the dirty, oily palm surface of the fingers and hands.

If you have troubles with your complexion, pay close attention to any subconscious habits of touching the face. I only touch my face with the back of my hands. As a youth I picked up the habit of using the backside of my hand to scratch my face or wipe things from my lips or cheeks. I have never had acne.

Another major causative factor in acne is thinking too much about a particular relationship. Releasing confined emotions and stress surrounding a past or present relationship can do wonders to rid an individual of acne. Emotional issues are often involved with acne. Suppressed anger accentuates an acne condition.
Acne may also be caused by skin damage (the outer layer of skin may be thickened, which contracts the pores and does not allow them to breathe). If this is the case, enzymatic exfoliation (a papaya mask) or similar exfoliation treatment will be helpful. Someone with this type of damaged skin should avoid facial exposure to the sun and should also avoid putting oils on the face, as absorption is poor.

On hot days, since the earliest times I can remember, I often ate grapefruits. As a child I began to intuitively rub the inner surface of these fresh grapefruit peels on my face. I have noticed over the years that this not only has a cooling effect, it also has a skin-cleansing effect. Grapefruit peels make for a great skin cleanser; they lift dirt right off your skin. The exfoliating, cleansing properties of grapefruit are likely due to alpha-hydroxy acids, which are also found in sugar cane and many other fruits.

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