Tuesday 18 September 2012

Nails Are As Important As Any Of Your Body Part

I gave a health seminar once, and a woman sitting in the front row kept looking at my hands. At the end of the seminar she approached and told me that her mom had always told her that the health of someone’s nails was the key indicator of internal health. Luckily my nails were well groomed for that seminar. I have always remembered to clean my nails before every lecture since that day!

The nails truly are an indication of how well we absorb minerals. If nail ailments have set in, such as ingrown, splitting, soft, spotting, or ridged nails, then the mineral richness of The Beauty Diet will work wonders. Nail health is the result of the proper mixture of the beautifying foods silica (Orgono living silica, horsetail extract) and MSM.

Fungus under the finger or toenails is an external sign of an internal imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the intestines. It is often an outward manifestation that bad bacteria and fungus rule the internal environment of the body (or at least did when the infection occurred). Someone who has chronic fungal infection under the nails may also have a candida (yeast overgrowth) internally. One-half a dropper-full of pau d’arco alcohol tincture can be droppered on the nail, under the nail (as best as possible), and on the first and second knuckle of the affected finger after the area has been cleaned. The area must then be “painted” with a few drops of DMSO (dimethyl-sulfoxide), which drives the pau d’arco deep into the nail and skin (avoid liberal usage, as DMSO can burn when used excessively). It will take three to six weeks to begin to see noticeable results. As you stay with this topical program you will be able to fight back the fungus and eventually be victorious. Both pau d’arco alcohol tincture and DMSO are available in health food stores.

Some anticandida advice you can act on immediately is to include Pure Synergy each and every day (in quantities beginning at 1 tablespoon per day and increasing up to 3 tablespoons per day after two months). Also, probiotic capsules should be taken each day, starting with one and building up to six each day. Add 3,000–5,000 mg of camu camu berry powder to the diet. All high-carbohydrate, sugar-based foods, especially dried fruit, seedless fruit, soda, candy, bread, pasta, baked potatoes, potato chips, corn chips, and rice, should be eliminated from the diet. Eat nothing sweeter than a hard pear or tart apple. Coconut oil and good-quality avocados should be eaten as primary fat sources. Mercury-free fish and hemp seed should be eaten for protein.

The habit of nail biting is related to an alkaline mineral deficiency and parasites (worms) in the system. In this case I recommend more herbs, green-leafy salads, and a parasite cleanse,

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