Monday 30 July 2012

Cooking Our Food To Enhance Beauty

Have you ever wondered why humans are the only creatures on the Earth who cook their food?

Prometheus—“the contriver”—stole fire from Zeus. The Greek poet Hesiod says that before the time of Prometheus, humankind was exempt from suffering and enjoyed a vigorous youth; and when death did arrive, it was without pain and the eyes were gently closed as in sleep. There is some facet of fire that shifted humanity’s state of paradise. I invite you to discover that the shift away from paradise was influenced by cooking.

Cooking food, upon close evaluation, appears to contain a core error.

Do you remember your first lesson in junior high school chemistry class? The first thing we did that day was to get out the Bunsen burner and begin heating a test tube. Heat, we learned, causes chemical changes. Cooking causes chemical changes in food. I have heard many naturopathic physicians say that “cooking food creates a host of compounds that the body is not designed to metabolize.” Severin Schaeffer, in his book Instinctive Nutrition, mentions that cooking a simple potato creates more than four hundred known, unknown, and potentially dangerous compounds.

It has been said that “One half of human ailments are caused by bad cooking” (and to this I add that the other half are caused by good cooking!). Not all foods are created equal, as we are discovering. Certain types of food add to beauty, while other types of food definitely detract from beauty.

When one is eating for beauty, the burdensome, heavily cooked diet is left behind. Certainly someone could eat cooked and processed foods and still be beautiful. However, such a person could never become more beautiful eating such a diet. The situation is similar with chronic disease. One could survive such a condition for a time on cooked and processed food, but one could be quite challenged trying to reverse the condition on such a diet. The present-day mainstream diet is detrimental to increasing beauty, charisma, health, prosperity, and youthfulness. Our higher consciousness thrives only in a body filled with youthful, supple, juicy, raw foods containing a high quantity of minerals.

One of the most important characteristics of a healthy eating plan is to eat foods that the body can readily turn into a liquid.

The juice of the plant, like the blood of the body, contains all the essential elements that build and nourish. The entire premise behind digestion is to ingest food and convert it into a liquid to be passed into the blood stream. The human body is truly an advanced juicing machine.

Cooked foods contain no vital juices. The first thing that is lost when food is cooked, even before enzymes are lost, is water. Anything that is cooked is devoid of living water. So the body has a challenging time converting cooked food into a usable form to be absorbed. This is because everything we eat must be converted into a liquid for it to nourish us.

Now imagine how much energy it takes to convert bread into a liquid! How much energy is required to turn a steak into a liquid? With this perspective, we clearly see why digestion is the number-one energy drain. There is no other life process that requires as much energy as digestion. Thus we see that the major difference between cooked food and raw food is that one is a dead solid, and the other is a living liquid. This makes it much easier to comprehend which is simpler (and which is more difficult) to digest.

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