Wednesday 1 August 2012

How Refined Sugar, Cooked Starch, Oil And Fats Affects Your Beauty

It seems that the most unhealthy-looking people eat refined sugar and white-flour products. Candy, sweets, cakes, and sodas destroy the teeth and complexion while adding layers of unwanted weight. Starchy cooked carbohydrates make the skin dry and pasty-white in color.

Cooked starchy foods such as bread, rice, pasta, rice cakes, potato chips, corn chips, baked potatoes, and sweet soy drinks tend to be low in minerals and high in sugar. This is the exact characteristic we should avoid in food. This characteristic strongly influences blood sugar levels, making cooked starchy foods quite addicting.

Types of food containing high carbohydrates (sugars) and low amounts of minerals also run minerals out of the body. This is because minerals are heavily used by the pancreas to create enzymes to digest cooked food and to create insulin to balance the blood sugar fluctuations caused by eating starchy food. This characteristic of a food containing high carbohydrates (sugar) and low minerals can lead to a fungus, yeast (candida), and mold overgrowth in the body.

The low quantity of minerals found in cooked starchy carbohydrates is partly due to hybridization of crops and abysmal commercial farming practices. Standard commercial farming occurs in mineral-deficient soil using weak seeds. Without minerals and strong genetics, plants become subject to pestilence (insects, fungus, mold, etc.). This has brought about the destructive use of pesticides in a fruitless attempt to remedy the situation. These foods, even after cooking, processing, and packaging, are still subject to attack by fungus, yeast, and mold. When digested, these foods can feed fungus, yeast, and mold already within the digestive system.

Everything that we eat should be as densely mineralized as possible; therefore, we should eat organic foods from strong seed strains grown in mineral-rich soils.

My experience has demonstrated to me that cooked vegetable oil and margarine are the most detrimental of all foods. These are mainly vicious because they are not miscible with water. Our body is in water based form, which makes the metabolization of cooked oil difficult. Cooked oil, animal fat and butter are provocative to the tissues, cloud the brain and harms the cardiovascular network resulting in the acceleration of aging process.

Cooked oily foods (anything from fried chicken to the typical stir-fry to potato chips) negatively affect our skin’s health and lead to acne and body pimples. Cooked oil, margarine, and fried foods are absolutely detrimental to the complexion.

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