Saturday 4 August 2012

How To Slow Down Or Speed Up Detoxification Symptoms

Have you ever stepped into a calm pond or lake in the early morning hours? Once you step in, the mud at the bottom is churned up. Detoxification is like this. Eating healthy, lighter foods churns up the old sludge, including past emotional residue and buried hurt. Emotional cleansing is part of the transformation process. If you are experiencing strong detoxification symptoms—especially through the skin—visit a colon hydrotherapist. Colonics can help channel and remove the toxicity and emotions through the bowels instead of the skin.

Catabolic practices tend to speed up or accelerate detoxification symptoms (this means that a catabolic practice will move toxins through and out of the body faster). “Catabolic” means “to break down.” Catabolic practices include the following.

* Fasting

* Eating sweet fruit

* Drinking green juices

* Drinking only water

* Aerobic exercise

* Herbal cleansing

* Hot springs bathing

* Sweatlodge/Sauna

* Colon hydrotherapy

* Massage

* Orgasm

* Skin brushing

* Gwasha (Chinese skin scraping)

* Taking enzymes and probiotic supplements

* Taking MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) as a supplement

Anabolic practices tend to slow down detoxification (this means that an anabolic practice will suppress the release of toxins from the body). “Anabolic” means “to build up.” Anabolic practices include the following.

* Eating fatty foods (avocados, nuts, olives, seeds, coconuts, durian)

* Eating fibrous green-leafy vegetable salads

* Using sea salt

* Anaerobic exercise, such as heavy weight-lifting

* Eating cooked starches like bread, pasta, rice, baked potato, etc.

* Eating any kind of dairy product

* Eating any type of meat, including fish

Neither catabolic nor anabolic activity is more important than the other. They are both valuable and useful at the correct time.

Rid your home and workspace of anything that you have not used or touched in the last year. Have you ever walked into someone’s home and seen stuff everywhere? Stuff on the counters, stuff on the walls, stuff in the closet, stuff on the floor.… Heaven help you if you should open the refrigerator! Stuff! Guess what is inside the person who lives amongst all this? Lots of stuff!

What we see around us is only a reflection of what is inside us. If we see clutter around us, the tendency is for clutter to be present within us.

There is a special healing force in detachment, in letting go. In my journeys I have discovered that success is not about what you get, it is about what you let go of. Letting go of objects around us allows us to let go of “stuff” within us—it helps with the detoxification process.

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