Sunday 26 August 2012

Weight Loss Is Just Making Yourself Lighter

Enlightenment is just that making yourself lighter.

Permanent weight loss comes through an inner transformation. This usually arises from an epiphany, a moment of clarity, a clear decision. When the decision has been made and a new path in life is chosen, the weight is already lost. The two biggest elements to limit and eliminate in the diet in order to lose weight are starchy carbohydrates such as baked potatoes, rice, beer, bread, pasta, corn chips, potato chips, etc., and cooked fats such as high-fat meat and pasteurized dairy foods.

Overeating habits and weight gain are related to eating demineralized foods. The richer a food is in minerals, the more difficult it becomes to overeat it. When food is eaten raw, it gives a stronger signal to stop eating. This is called the “aliesthetic taste change.” This taste change is stronger in more mineralized foods and is especially strong in wild foods. It is virtually impossible to overeat wild foods. Wild foods are always higher in minerals than domesticated foods. Domesticated plants, especially those that are commercially grown, tend to be high in sugar/starch and low in minerals. These include grains (bread, pasta, rice cakes, beer), potatoes (baked, potato chips), corn (corn chips, corn syrup products), carrots, and seedless fruits. The consumption of demineralized food often leads to addictions. I remember being addicted to corn chips while in college, which actually caused a subtle inflammation in my skin.

Hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid gland) has been the target of much of the blame for excessive weight gain. This can be true, though it is not always the case. If indeed thyroid challenges are the cause of excessive weight, the best course of action is to feed the thyroid with coconut oil (as well as other coconut products), kelp, Brazil nuts (three to four each day), fruits rich in vitamin C (oranges, peppers), and foods high in B vitamins and enzymes (raw sauerkraut). Drink only fresh grapefruit juice or simply eat only grapefruits for three days. Grapefruit contain wonderful anti inflammatory plus skin-cleanser enzyme known as bromelain. Grapefruits are the mildest citrus fruit in acid content, yet they act as strong antiseptic and mucus dissolvable properties found in all citrus fruits.

Miraculous fact about us human beings is that we are very dynamic. We re-build ourselves in a constant manner. Research says that 98% of the atoms in our body are replaced within two years. Studies have shown that 100% of our atomic structure is replaced within seven years! Now comes the startling truth: You can change your bone structure; you can greatly alter your appearance; you can change the mold of your flesh to suit your ideals. We all become the image we hold of ourselves within our own mind. In spite of all the doubters and disbelievers, this is the truth I have come to know based on my own experiences with raw food and my own physical transformation.

My promise to you is that excellent organic, highly mineralized, raw-food choices practiced consistently will transform you in two years by replacing your atomic structure with the correct building materials. In seven years you will be entirely transformed into a new person. At present, most of us are completely unaware of what true beauty and charisma can truly do. With enough charisma and purity, there is no limitation. Enough charisma creates opportunities at every turn. It generates unique and magical events each day.

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